Most network marketers have fallen into "the chasing trap" in their network marketing business. What exactly is "the chasing trap"? It is when you want more for your prospects than they want for themselves. It is when you keep thinking or saying to yourself, "If I could only make them understand what I have to offer, then they will own their life". You chase them around trying to convince them that your opportunity and/or products are the "greatest thing since sliced bread".
Getting caught up in "the chasing trap" only leads to frustration and weariness. It will never help you achieve your goals. If you are in this trap you are not alone for most network marketers have experienced this. We all have wondered why they just don't get it or how can we make them understand. Most of us have spent hours emailing, calling and chasing them down to no avail.
To escape "the chasing trap" your first commitment MUST be to your people, NOT to your personal profit. Look at network marketing as a relationship game, not a sales business. Get to know your prospect and what they want. When you put other people's desires before your personal gain then trust and loyalty develop. Ask yourself "WHY" should your prospects choose you over all the other home business options. Your job is to make an impression that they will never forget that puts you head and shoulders above your competition.
Spend your time with those who want your help: the ones who raise their hand. Stop chasing those who really don't want to help themselves and you will soon have a team of self-sufficient, highly motivated, successful people in your network marketing business.
The first step to escape "the chasing trap" is to read this free e-book Success in 10 Steps. It will give you tips and strategies that will elevate you above your competition.
Be the Leader You Were Created To Be!
Lidie Gray
A Leader With a Servant's Heart