Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Network Marketing: Answer to Get Out of Debt

Network Marketing may just be your answer to get out of debt. It is defined as “a distribution channel – nothing more.” Unlike traditional distribution methods network marketing allows people like you and me to share in the profits.

I came across this article by Seth Godin on ways to get out of debt, and I know of no better way to help people get out of debt than through the distribution model of Network Marketing that generates about $110 billion in sales a year.

Here's Seth's article:
Personal Finance Advice
By Seth Godin

“If I could only share one piece of personal finance advice to grads or to just about anyone, it would be this:

Only borrow money to pay for things that increase in value.

It's a short list: your business, your house and your education, mostly. Stocks if you're smarter than me. That's pretty much it.

If you have credit card debt, you're in big trouble. Your bank account has a huge leak in it, and it's getting worse. Hence the urgency.

If you have credit card debt, that means that every time you spend money (even cash), you're borrowing money to do so. And so, if you're going out to dinner or buying a new pair of shoes, you've just broken the single most important rule of personal finance. You're spending borrowed money on stuff that is decreasing in value.

This is an emergency. It's an emergency because every single day you wait, the problem gets worse. A lot worse.

My suggestion: Go to defcon 1, and do it immediately. Shift gears to live well below your means. That means:
No restaurants
No clothes shopping
No cable TV bill
No Starbucks

It means:
Take in a tenant in your spare bedroom
Carpool to work
Skip vacation this year

Eat brown rice and beans every night for dinner. Act like you have virtually no income.

The result? You'll save $5,000 to $20,000 a year. Send all of it to the credit card company. Do this until you're debt free, the faster the better.

There. Now you're rich. Now you get interest on your savings instead of paying the bank. Twenty years from now, this emergency action will translate into perhaps a million dollars in the bank, depending on how much you earn and how serious you are.

You can thank me then.”

End of Seth Godin’s article…

Imagine getting a check in your mail box without having to get an additional part-time job…would this help you pay off your debts and own your life? We will show you step by step how you can have this. Our training is FREE!

If you would like some help in creating a plan to get out of debt then my team and I can help you. First you need to know where you are and where you want to go…then we start working with you on a plan using the network marketing business model as your vehicle to financial freedom.

To get started read this FREE ebook Success in 10 Steps:

Be the Leader You Were Created to Be!

Lidie Gray
A Mentor With a Servant’s Heart
270-205-4168 CST (call anytime)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Buyers Beware of Those Outrageous Startup MLM Claims

Buyers beware of those outrageous claims…"make lots of money fast"! I just read about another startup MLM company that has designed a program using 1X3 forced matrix to help people make lots of money fast! The company hasn't even launched yet, and people are jumping on board. Please read this before you invest your hard earned money or savings on any pre-launching MLM company.

Before you jump into a startup MLM company check out the survival rate of new Network Marketing companies. Michael Dlouhy states in his book Success in 10 Steps that 90% of MLM businesses fail in their first year, and 90% of the remaining 10% fail in the second year. That means that only 1 in 100 MLM startup companies will be around in 2 years to pay you. That's a 1% survival rate!

Do you really want to invest your energy, time, money and reputation with a company that has a 1% survival rate? Let someone else test the waters. Find an established network marketing company that you can build your business with for you and your family. Build it once; build it big; build it to pay your children and their children.

To learn how to choose the best MLM Company for you, start with the free e-book Success in Ten Steps by Michael Dlouhy!

Be the Leader You Were Created to Be!

Lidie Gray
A Mentor With a Servant's Heart

If this information was helpful click here for more information on free network marketing tips and strategies to help you reach your business goals.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Why You Need Faith in Your Network Marketing Business

You may be wondering why you need faith in your network marketing business. Well, faith is the starting point to all success or failure. Everything we do involves faith. Think about it…when a baby takes his first step it is by faith. When you sit down in a chair it's by faith that it will hold you. Whether we realize it or not faith is the driving force behind each action that we take.

So many network marketers enter into the business in "blind faith", putting their trust in what someone else has said instead of searching out the truth based on evidence. Blind faith is faith without evidence. God does not call us to have blind faith. He calls us to have faith in evidence…truth claims should be evaluated on the evidence.

Would you jump off a cliff because someone told you that you could fly? Of course you wouldn't because there is no evidence that you can fly. In network marketing there is evidence that people are successful, but there is also evidence of many failures. So where do you put your faith …in success or failure?

For success, put your trust and faith in a team of network marketers who are successful in the business. Learn from them. Discover the truth for yourself by getting educated in the industry. Learn to evaluate a company based on the "five pillars" that are necessary for you to be successful in the network marketing industry.

If you manage to keep enough faith in your ability to succeed then there is no reason for you not to achieve your dreams. Ask God to increase your faith and believe it will be done!

Be the Leader You Were Created to Be!

Lidie Gray
A Mentor With a Servant's Heart

If this information was helpful click here for more information on free network marketing tips and strategies to help you reach your business goals.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Secret of Network Marketing Success

The secret of network marketing success is retention, retention, retention. It is no secret that network marketing is a relationship business, not a sales business. Network marketing success lies in building relationships with people: relationships built on trust and sincerity. Michael Dlouhy, author of Success in 10 Steps says, "People join people." When you honor and respect others they will want to be a part of your team.

The three things necessary for retention, the secret to network marketing success, are:

1. You must choose a five pillars company with consumable products that make a real difference in peoples lives. Your team members need to have a strong testimony about the products for them to stay with you and your company.

2. Your company, in addition to excellent products, must offer a compensation plan for you and your team (including the part-timers) to build an attractive income for years to come. And you need to have a proven duplicatable system for your team members to follow for them to be successful in network marketing.

3. Know your people and what they want. Help them put together their "why". Give them personal attention and respect; make them feel important and valued.

When your motivation is to genuinely help others they will respond to you with loyalty and trust. When people see the value and the power of what you offer with your mentoring, coaching, products, services, etc. they will ask to join you and your team.

Be the Leader You Were Created to Be!

Lidie Gray
A Mentor With a Servant's Heart

If this information was helpful click here for more information on free network marketing tips and strategies to help you reach your business goals

Friday, November 21, 2008

From a True Mentor's Heart

The e-mail below from Ernie who was at the Jacksonville
Freedom Tour seminar gives the best explanation of what
"BEING" a "Mentor With A Servant's Heart" is all about.

Ernie sent this to Michael Dlouhy and I thought that I would
share it with you. Please call me at 270-205-4168 or send email to
lidiegray@gmail.com to find out if Michael is coming to your area.
You don't want to miss out on this event.

Begin email...

Hi Michael, it's Ernie Hines writing to thank you for
sharing your Books and CD's as they have had a profound
impact on the way I Desire to conduct myself and my

Throughout history the passing on of wisdom and practical
knowledge has been done by mentoring from parents, grand
parents, teachers, leaders, coaches, coworkers and friends.

I have found the word goes back to Homer's Odyssey a
story which tells how before leaving on his long journey,
Odysseus asked a close friend to watch over and guide
his son. That friend's name was Mentor.

Having been with Mentoring for Free less than a month,
has allowed me to study and make some observations
from the book by Marc Freedman, "The kindness of
strangers" that there are 7 habits of highly effective
mentors and they are first and foremost

1. Listening:::

It is the only way mentors can understand what people
are up against and where opportunities for developing
the relationship can be discovered.

2. Building a relationship:::

In the hurry to make a difference, mentors can forget to
take time to build a relationship and establish a firm
connection. this means carefully cultivating trust..It
means being patient. Many people will test mentors
to see if they are for real.

3. Respecting boundaries:::

When mentors ask people personal questions before
a solid relationship has been established, the most
common response is silence. People will clam up.
Mentors who do not respect their mentees' needs
for privacy are often quick to alienate them.

4. Being sensitive to differences:::

It is necessary to realize that mentors and those
they work with come from different worlds, a reality
even for mentors who have grown up disadvantaged.
This means being aware of the embarrassment a
person might feel about being poor.

5. Providing support and challenges:::

Successful mentors are consistently there for people,
delivering a sustained message 'You are important"
when problems arise, effective mentors resist telling
people what to do and instead work with them to
address the problems. These mentors are eventually
able to strike a balance between supporting and
challenging both nurturing people and pushing them
toward their goals.

6. Acknowledging reciprocity:::

While mentors often have to provide the initiative
early in the relationship as trust is being established,
mentoring is a two-way street. Growth, benefits and
struggles are present on both sides, and mentors
who are able to convey they are there for mutual
exchange, not just solve problems stand the greatest
chance of making a solid connection.

7. Being realistic:::

Few mentors turn lives around, but mentors who help
people move toward achievable goals can make a real
contribution. Often this means having thick skin,
tolerating unreturned phone calls, accepting the
cultural gaps that must be bridged. In the end, few
virtues in mentoring rival ongoing commitment and
genuine caring.

Anyway after listening to you on audio and meeting
you in person has turned on something inside like a
(multi colored) lightbulb and I can finally see the
forest of trees, shrubs, plants and animals for what
they really are, opportunity.

Thank You
Ernie Hines

End email...

Be the Leader You Were Created to Be!

Lidie Gray
270-385-9885 (call anytime)
A Servant with a Mentor's Heart
Success In 10 Steps Free Ebook

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Did You Read Your Network Marketing Company's Policies & Procedures?

When you start your network marketing home business you agree to your company's policies and procedures (P&P). You may not have to sign on the dotted line but you do have to check a box saying that you read and agree to them. Many people just click on this box and never read the P&P. It is very important to read and understand what you are signing. The Policies and Procedures are a legal contract between you and your network marketing company.

I was researching a company and wanted to find out more about it because the claims were just too good to be true. There were all kinds of testimonies on how quickly you could make "big money" and how simple it is to do…the "system" does it for you. Throughout the page there were places to enter your name and email for more information. Of course I didn't complete it. Since I know to read the company's P&P before doing anything else, I went down to the bottom of the page where I found this statement…

"By entering your details above you are agreeing to our:
Disclaimer - Terms of Use - Income Disclaimer - Privacy Policy"

Let me bring this to your attention: when you enter your name and email in one of the boxes throughout the page you agree to the "Disclaimer-Terms of Service-Income Disclaimer-Privacy Policy". You don't even have to click on a box saying that you read them and agreed to them. You enter into the agreement when you enter your information.

I clicked on "disclaimer" and was shocked when I read this clause…


WOW! YOU, not the company, will assume the entire cost of all necessary services, repairs or correction if the web sites, products, services or written materials are defective. You are responsible for the company's "screw ups". Does this shock you? Does this sound like a company with integrity? Is this a company that you want to build your business with?

Did you read your network marketing company's policies and procedures? If you haven't don't you think you should?

Be the Leader You Were Created to Be!

Lidie Gray
A Mentor With a Servant's Heart
Success in 10 Steps Free E-Book

If this information was helpful click here for more information on free network marketing tips and strategies to help you reach your business goals.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Have you ever talked to a prospect who just didn’t get it?

Do you want to learn the secret language of prospects that INSTANTLY goes to their minds and hearts, so you can say just a few sentences and your prospects will lean forward?

Have you ever talked to a prospect who just didn’t get it?

What if you could talk directly to the prospect with the right words so s/he instantly understands your opportunity?

Sounds unbelievable, doesn’t it?

But consider this, by changing just a few words, a few sentences into the secret language that your prospects understand, everything will change in your business.

And the change will be spectacular!

Then, come to a live workshop with Michael Dlouhy

At this workshop you will learn …

Exactly what to say to prospects in their own language
How to turn skeptics into business partners
How to identify four personality types and what they want to hear
How to make prospects feel understood and connected
How to become a successful prospector with these new skills
How to improve communication among co-workers
How to understand even your own family members!
How to increase your income by knowing how others think
Seating at these workshops will be limited, so be sure to reserve a spot now.

(Schedule is below - check for a city near you.)

Dec 11 - Tampa FL
Dec 12 - St. Petersburg FL
Dec 13 - Fort Myers FL
Dec 14 - Vero Beach FL

For registration information call me @ 270-385-9885

Or email me @ lidiegray@gmail.com - put Talk to Prospects Tour in subject line

Be the Leader You Were Created to Be!

Lidie Gray
A Mentor With A Servant's Heart
Success in 10 Steps Free E-Book

Sunday, October 12, 2008

FREEDOM TOUR 2008-2009

Recession-Proof Your Income & Shield Yourself Against Scary Economic Times

Join Business & Personal Coach, Mentor, Author, and Successful Entrepreneur ~Michael Dlouhy~ with over 30 Years Experience as He Gives You the Straight Scoop On…

•Understanding your family members…ALL of them
•Improving communication with co-workers
•Increasing your income by knowing how others think
•Time & Money Freedom - on the same day - over & over
•The 5 “must have” factors for career success…and why
•”Tools” to apply to ANY situation or relationship in Life!
•Own Your Life…and Enjoy 7-Day Weekends!

Coming to a city near you. Call me for the tour cities, dates and times.

$10.00 At the Door


Lidie Gray

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Straight Talk About Network Marketing Leaders Part 3

In parts one and two you learned about two characteristics of an effective network marketer leader. First lead by serving, and second be gentle and kind. Remember that effective leadership is not simply about getting to the top, but it is about releasing others to do the same.

Honor is another characteristic of a “servant-leader”. This is the key to opening another person’s life and heart to your influence and direction. I’m not talking about influencing others in a manipulative sense, but a genuine willingness to place a priceless value on the people that are brought into your life or onto your team.

You show honor to others by simply being courteous enough to listen to and acknowledge their opinions. You give honor by quickly giving praise and recognition to your team members for their contributions and efforts.

Being a “servant-leader” opens the door for support, loyalty and cooperation of those who are part of your organization. When you approach others with gentleness and sincere honor you can be confident that people will want to join you in your business. Being a “servant-leader” in your network marketing business will bring you success in all that you do.

If you want to learn more about how to be an effective network-marketing leader then I invite you to join our team, Mentoring for Free, where you will learn “how to think, not what to think”. We offer free mentoring and coaching to all network marketers, no matter what company they are with.

I’m looking forward to serving you.

Be the Leader You Were Created to Be!

Lidie Gray
A Mentor with a Servant’s Heart
Success in 10 Steps Free E-book

Monday, September 15, 2008

Straight Talk About Network Marketing Leaders Part 2

In part one you learned about the first characteristic of an effective network marketer: lead first by serving and loving. Willingness to serve others will encourage and attract others to join you in your endeavors. Effective leadership is not simply about getting to the top, but it is about releasing others to do the same.

The second characteristic of an effective network-marketing leader is gentleness…having a gracious and honorable manner. Gentleness is a characteristic of a “servant leader” but is often missed. Gentleness is not a sign of weakness, but it springs forth from confidence in knowing that you have whatever it takes within you to be an effective leader. It is confidence in knowing who you are and that you put others interests before your own. You do not override someone else’s will, but are respectful of their free will.

A gentle leader inspires confidence in others and draws out the best efforts of the team. People respond more openly to a leader who treats them with kindness and gentleness. Network-marketing leaders with a gentle character are a source of inspiration for their team.

Watch for the third characteristic of an effective network-marketing leader to be posted in a couple of days.

If you want to learn more about how to be an effective network-marketing leader then I invite you to join our team, Mentoring for Free, where you will learn “how to think not what to think”. We offer free mentoring and coaching to all network marketers, no matter what company they are with.

I’m looking forward to serving you.

Be the Leader You Were Created to Be!

Lidie Gray
A Mentor with a Servant’s Heart
Success in 10 Steps Free E-book

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Straight Talk About Network Marketing Leaders Part 1

Effective network marketing leaders give direction and motivate their team to action. They are sincerely interested in the welfare of those whom they lead. They will not force, intimidate, coerce or push anyone into doing something against their will. Effective leadership is not simply about getting to the top, but it is about releasing others to do the same.

The first and main characteristic of an effective network marketer is being a “servant-leader”; you lead first by serving and loving. Your willingness to serve others will encourage and attract others to join you in your endeavors. When you contribute to another person’s profitability you prove your faithfulness to him or her, thus you contribute to your own profitability.

Not every effective leader is a “servant-leader”. Take Hitler, for example: he was very effective in motivating others but he was evil and “unimaginably destructive”. It is important to know the characteristics of a “servant-leader” so that you do not innocently end up following a leader who will ultimately destroy you. Or so you will not become an “authority seeker” which ultimately ends up in destroying your followers as well as yourself.

“Authority seekers” seek authority over people; money and control are their bottom line. These are the people who try to exercise authority when they have not been given the responsibility: remember responsibility precedes authority, thus “authority seekers” do not fall under the characteristics of a “servant-leader”. They do not seek to contribute to the welfare of others.

Watch for the second characteristic of an effective network-marketing leader to be posted in a couple of days.

If you want to learn more about how to be an effective network-marketing leader then I invite you to join our team, Mentoring for Free, where you will learn “how to think not what to think”. We offer free mentoring and coaching to all network marketers, no matter what company they are with.

I’m looking forward to serving you.

Be the Leader You Were Created to Be!

Lidie Gray
A Mentor with a Servant’s Heart
Success in 10 Steps Free E-book

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The 10K Question

Do you know how many active distributors (those placing orders or meeting the monthly qualification) you would need to earn $10,000 per month residual income in your business?

Well, here's a simple formula.

1. Determine the required minimum monthly order per distributor.

2. Determine the commission percentage received on the monthly minimum requirement.

3. Figure the dollar amount of that percentage

4. Divide that amount into $10,000

That will give you the number of active distributors needed to earn $10,000 monthly residual income.

If you want to earn $20,000 per month just multiply the number of active distributors by 2: or if you desire $5,000 per month then divide by 2.

Example 1:

Minimum monthly order per distributor = $40.00 or 40 points
Commission percentage = 5%
40.00 x 5% = $2.00
$10,000/2.00 = 5,000 active distributors

In this example 5,000 active distributors are needed to earn $10,000/mo residual income: or 2,500 (5,000 divided by 2) distributors to earn $5,000 per month.

If the commission percentage is 10%, you will need 2,500 distributors to earn $10,000 per month: or 1,250 distributors for $5,000 per month.

Example 2:

Minimum monthly order per distributor - 100 points
Commission percentage = 10%
100 x 10% = $1.00
$10,000/1.00 = 10,000 distributors

In this example 10,000 active distributors are needed to earn the $10,000/mo. At 20%, only 5,000 distributors are needed. For a $1,000/mo residual, 1,000 are needed @ 10% and 500 at the 20%.

The industry average to earn $10,000 is about 2500 people. Wow! Does that seem like a lot of people to you? It does to me.

But don’t be discouraged because there are a few companies out there where you can earn $10,000 monthly income with less than 400 active distributors.

What do you think about that?

Be The Leader You Were Created To Be!

Lidie Gray
Mentoring for Free

Monday, September 8, 2008

Is This a Five Pillar Company?

by Michael Dlouhy

This is a summary of a free training call by Michael Dlouhy,
author of "Success in Ten Steps" and founder
of Mentoring for Free.

There are several questions to ask before you choose a
company to work with for the next five, ten or twenty years.
Getting the answers to these questions will save you years of failure
and frustration.

You can have the greatest products on the planet,
but if your company does not have all five pillars,
you can have everything taken away from you overnight.

1. Company Management Experience with Integrity
Read your Policies and Procedures. Look for the words
"termination" and "ongoing". Find out how safe you are,
how your downline is protected, and whether you can
ever retire.

Rule of Thumb: The longer the contract, the more
overhead the company has, and the less you earn.

Do a Google search on the company and the owners
of the company you are researching. Add the word
'scam' to your search. Check reliable websites like
www.mlmwatchdog.com, etc. for warnings.

Beware of companies where you can buy your way
to the top. Check ebay to see if the company's
products are being sold there.

Beware of sponsors offering you a "good position".
There can be no "deals" in an ethical company.
There must be a level playing field.

2. Timing in the Company / Timing in the Industry
Beware of "ground floor opportunities" and start-up
companies. 99% of companies don't last two years.

Most people don't make money in the first two years
while the company is dealing with problems.

Profit comes AFTER two years. Join then.

Do not join a company with a product with no profit
margin, e.g. long distance or vinyl records!

3. Remarkable Product
Be sure your product is unique - not invisible among others.
Read Seth Godin's "The Purple Cow".

Warning: If the product would not sell without a business
opportunity attached, it is ILLEGAL.

If you can't pay online with a credit card, and if you can only
pay by cash or money order, it is ILLEGAL.

If distributors collect the money while the company stays
at arm's length, it is ILLEGAL.

4. Compensation Plan That Pays Part-Timers
95% of networkers are part-time. Make sure that people can
make a decent income working a few hours per week.

Beware of companies that advertise how many millionaires
they have created. Make sure it's not at the expense of
those "at the bottom". Everyone should be able to benefit.

Ask the question "How many people must I have in my
business to earn $10,000 per month?" There are companies
out there that require as many as 10,000 and as few as 400.
It's not unusual to see well-established companies that
require 3000 to 7000 people, and still attract new distributors.

If your upline won't or can't answer this basic question,
you should run.

If a company stresses "Recruit, Recruit, Recruit!", you should
"Run, Run, Run!"

The key to success is moving product from the company to
the end consumer.

If you are making only 5% to 8% commissions, you are
being extremely underpaid.

5. System for Success
The company must have a duplicatable system for success.
People are not duplicatable - systems are. e.g. If you have
to rely on upline doing presentations, this is NOT duplicatable.



These methods do not work anymore.

I hope this short summary has been informative and useful.
If you'd like to read more, please download our free ebook.

I look forward to being of service to you.

Be the Leader That You Were Created to Be

Lidie Gray


email: lidiegray@gmail.com

Saturday, September 6, 2008

A New Chance for Frustrated Network Marketers

Are you frustrated with the results that you are getting in your network marketing business? Do you wonder why some people succeed and others fail in MLM?

I've been involved in the network marketing industry for over 15 years and became very frustrated because I did not get the results that so many others seemed to get. I did what I was told to do. I made my list of family and friends, advertised, bought leads, approached strangers, etc. I exhausted my list and resources very quickly and it was all to no avail. Yes, people did join me in my company, but not nearly enough to make the income that I desired. I just could not get people to see the bigger picture of how this industry could help them “own their life”.

So you may be thinking why am I still in the business? Because I believe in the principle of network marketing. We all do it on a daily basis. Have you ever gone to a great restaurant and told a friend about it? Have you ever watched a movie and told your friends that they have to watch it? Of course you have! We all have. Think about it…you are being a “network marketer” when you do this. You just don’t get paid for it whereas a professional network marketer does.

My downfall was that I believed that MLM was a sales business. That is until I met a very special lady, Irma White, who introduced me to Michael Dlouhy and Mentoring for Free. Now I know the truth. It is a teaching and mentoring business. This is so much easier for me. I’m now doing what I love to do…teaching and mentoring people to live their life more abundantly: financially, emotionally/spiritually, and physically.

So, if you are a frustrated network marketer you have a new chance. I invite you to download Michael’s FREE e-book Success in 10 Steps and find out why your lack of success in your MLM company is not your fault. You can own your life. I believe in you!

Be the Leader You Were Created to Be!

Lidie Gray

A Mentor with a Servant’s Heart

Friday, September 5, 2008

Another MLM Scam Exposed

Another company ADSurfDaily is in the news. Attorney General Bill McCollum just filed a lawsuit against AdSurfDaily accusing the company and its owners of operating a huge pyramid scheme.

Click here to read the press release.

This is serious. People get hurt when they get involved in these scams and innocent people can go to jail. The people who start these are ruthless.

One very clear way to determine if an opportunity is a scam…it has NO product!

Do not be fooled by these scammers.

Read more about Consumers PYRAMID SCHEMES

Please do your homework before you get involved with any company.

You want to make sure that you are in a 5 pillars company:

  1. Company Management Experience with Integrity
  2. Timing in the Company / Timing in the Industry
  3. Remarkable Product
  4. Compensation Plan That Pays Part-Timers
  5. System for Success

Click here to listen to The 5 Pillars for Your Success audio for more detail on a 5 pillars company.

Be the Leader You Were Created to Be!

Lidie Gray
A Mentor With a Servant's Heart

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Pyramid Schemes - How to Avoid

There are two questions to ask yourself when you consider joining an MLM company:

#1. Would a logical thinking person spend this amount of money on this Product or Service if there were NOT a Pay Plan attached to it?

#2. Does the income stop when the recruiting stops?

Michael Dlouhy with Mentoring For Free wrote:

“...Proof on ‘WHY’ it is so important to be a Critical Thinker and the Need to be in a 5 Pillars Company. As a Professional Network marketer You will want to read this ENTIRE Criminal Case filed in Florida…


Remember the TWO questions that the Attorney General asks to see if You may be in a Ponzi or Pyramid Scheme as You read this Criminal case.

#1. Would a logical thinking person spend this amount of money on this Product or Service if there was NOT a Pay Plan attached to it?

#2. Does the income stop when the recruiting stops?

There are Thousands of people that have lost over 100 MILLION dollars that would have been avoided ‘IF’ they had asked these TWO simple questions.”

Bob and Anna Bassett responded to Michael’s email:

“Along with the 101 pages from the Feds out of Washington, the Florida Attorney General has also filed suit ... Along with the 101 pages from the Feds out of Washington, the Florida Attorney General has also filed suit ...


People should also note that the spin off surfing company, Golden Panda Ad Builder (which was started for the Chinese market) and the CEO, Walter Clarence Busby Jr. are also named in the Federal document. Coincidentally, their site is now down too!!

What is interesting is both Bowdoin and Busby have criminal records and have had prior run ins with the SEC. I guess criminals stick together!!

They're lucky they weren't caught in China because there, they just shoot them.”

Can you see why it is important for you as a network marketer to get educated in this industry?

Mentoring for Free offers you free training and education.
They will teach you “how to think, not what to think”.

Be the Leader You Were Created to Be!

Lidie Gray
A Mentor With A Servant’s Heart
Success In 10 Steps