Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Network Marketing: Answer to Get Out of Debt

Network Marketing may just be your answer to get out of debt. It is defined as “a distribution channel – nothing more.” Unlike traditional distribution methods network marketing allows people like you and me to share in the profits.

I came across this article by Seth Godin on ways to get out of debt, and I know of no better way to help people get out of debt than through the distribution model of Network Marketing that generates about $110 billion in sales a year.

Here's Seth's article:
Personal Finance Advice
By Seth Godin

“If I could only share one piece of personal finance advice to grads or to just about anyone, it would be this:

Only borrow money to pay for things that increase in value.

It's a short list: your business, your house and your education, mostly. Stocks if you're smarter than me. That's pretty much it.

If you have credit card debt, you're in big trouble. Your bank account has a huge leak in it, and it's getting worse. Hence the urgency.

If you have credit card debt, that means that every time you spend money (even cash), you're borrowing money to do so. And so, if you're going out to dinner or buying a new pair of shoes, you've just broken the single most important rule of personal finance. You're spending borrowed money on stuff that is decreasing in value.

This is an emergency. It's an emergency because every single day you wait, the problem gets worse. A lot worse.

My suggestion: Go to defcon 1, and do it immediately. Shift gears to live well below your means. That means:
No restaurants
No clothes shopping
No cable TV bill
No Starbucks

It means:
Take in a tenant in your spare bedroom
Carpool to work
Skip vacation this year

Eat brown rice and beans every night for dinner. Act like you have virtually no income.

The result? You'll save $5,000 to $20,000 a year. Send all of it to the credit card company. Do this until you're debt free, the faster the better.

There. Now you're rich. Now you get interest on your savings instead of paying the bank. Twenty years from now, this emergency action will translate into perhaps a million dollars in the bank, depending on how much you earn and how serious you are.

You can thank me then.”

End of Seth Godin’s article…

Imagine getting a check in your mail box without having to get an additional part-time job…would this help you pay off your debts and own your life? We will show you step by step how you can have this. Our training is FREE!

If you would like some help in creating a plan to get out of debt then my team and I can help you. First you need to know where you are and where you want to go…then we start working with you on a plan using the network marketing business model as your vehicle to financial freedom.

To get started read this FREE ebook Success in 10 Steps:

Be the Leader You Were Created to Be!

Lidie Gray
A Mentor With a Servant’s Heart
270-205-4168 CST (call anytime)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Buyers Beware of Those Outrageous Startup MLM Claims

Buyers beware of those outrageous claims…"make lots of money fast"! I just read about another startup MLM company that has designed a program using 1X3 forced matrix to help people make lots of money fast! The company hasn't even launched yet, and people are jumping on board. Please read this before you invest your hard earned money or savings on any pre-launching MLM company.

Before you jump into a startup MLM company check out the survival rate of new Network Marketing companies. Michael Dlouhy states in his book Success in 10 Steps that 90% of MLM businesses fail in their first year, and 90% of the remaining 10% fail in the second year. That means that only 1 in 100 MLM startup companies will be around in 2 years to pay you. That's a 1% survival rate!

Do you really want to invest your energy, time, money and reputation with a company that has a 1% survival rate? Let someone else test the waters. Find an established network marketing company that you can build your business with for you and your family. Build it once; build it big; build it to pay your children and their children.

To learn how to choose the best MLM Company for you, start with the free e-book Success in Ten Steps by Michael Dlouhy!

Be the Leader You Were Created to Be!

Lidie Gray
A Mentor With a Servant's Heart

If this information was helpful click here for more information on free network marketing tips and strategies to help you reach your business goals.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Why You Need Faith in Your Network Marketing Business

You may be wondering why you need faith in your network marketing business. Well, faith is the starting point to all success or failure. Everything we do involves faith. Think about it…when a baby takes his first step it is by faith. When you sit down in a chair it's by faith that it will hold you. Whether we realize it or not faith is the driving force behind each action that we take.

So many network marketers enter into the business in "blind faith", putting their trust in what someone else has said instead of searching out the truth based on evidence. Blind faith is faith without evidence. God does not call us to have blind faith. He calls us to have faith in evidence…truth claims should be evaluated on the evidence.

Would you jump off a cliff because someone told you that you could fly? Of course you wouldn't because there is no evidence that you can fly. In network marketing there is evidence that people are successful, but there is also evidence of many failures. So where do you put your faith …in success or failure?

For success, put your trust and faith in a team of network marketers who are successful in the business. Learn from them. Discover the truth for yourself by getting educated in the industry. Learn to evaluate a company based on the "five pillars" that are necessary for you to be successful in the network marketing industry.

If you manage to keep enough faith in your ability to succeed then there is no reason for you not to achieve your dreams. Ask God to increase your faith and believe it will be done!

Be the Leader You Were Created to Be!

Lidie Gray
A Mentor With a Servant's Heart

If this information was helpful click here for more information on free network marketing tips and strategies to help you reach your business goals.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Secret of Network Marketing Success

The secret of network marketing success is retention, retention, retention. It is no secret that network marketing is a relationship business, not a sales business. Network marketing success lies in building relationships with people: relationships built on trust and sincerity. Michael Dlouhy, author of Success in 10 Steps says, "People join people." When you honor and respect others they will want to be a part of your team.

The three things necessary for retention, the secret to network marketing success, are:

1. You must choose a five pillars company with consumable products that make a real difference in peoples lives. Your team members need to have a strong testimony about the products for them to stay with you and your company.

2. Your company, in addition to excellent products, must offer a compensation plan for you and your team (including the part-timers) to build an attractive income for years to come. And you need to have a proven duplicatable system for your team members to follow for them to be successful in network marketing.

3. Know your people and what they want. Help them put together their "why". Give them personal attention and respect; make them feel important and valued.

When your motivation is to genuinely help others they will respond to you with loyalty and trust. When people see the value and the power of what you offer with your mentoring, coaching, products, services, etc. they will ask to join you and your team.

Be the Leader You Were Created to Be!

Lidie Gray
A Mentor With a Servant's Heart

If this information was helpful click here for more information on free network marketing tips and strategies to help you reach your business goals