Are you thinking like your prospect when it comes to what is important to them about your network marketing business? Do you think that your prospect wants to know all about your company; its history, its founders, how long they have been in business, etc?
Of course this may be important to you, but it is not the first thing that is important to your prospect. Think back to when you got started in your network marketing business…why did you get involved? Was it because you trusted the person who told you about it? Did you get involved because you had a relationship with this person? Most likely the answer is "yes".
To be a successful network marketer it is necessary to know what is important to your prospect. "Big Al" Tom Schrieter has traveled all over the world promoting his MLM business and he has discovered what is important to people in their decision to join a MLM company. And the truth is, the most important thing is "who gave the presentation". This is a people business and your prospect wants to know that you care about him or her. When you care about them they can relate to you. They need to like you and be able to work with you.
People want to know that you will work together with them to help them achieve success. It is critical that you offer the proper training which will raise their belief and confidence level in themselves as well as the MLM industry before you send them out on their own. Think about it…when you work for a conventional company you are trained in the job position before you are turned loose. And even then, you'll have someone you can turn to when you need help. Then, why would it be any different in the MLM industry?
So, get to know your prospect; get them plugged into the appropriate training program; introduce them to your team members. Remember it is not about you and what you want. It is all about your prospect and what he or she wants. So start to think like your prospect!
Lidie Gray
Success in 10 Steps Free E-Book
A Mentor With a Servant's Heart