Thursday, December 30, 2010

How to Make Successful New Year’s Resolutions by John Di Lemme

Article reprint from...

John Di Lemme
International Motivational Speaker

As 2011 rolls around and we prepare for a new
year, the habit of making New Year’s resolutions
comes to the forefront. This past week, I asked
my students to list what they believe to be
the top three New Year resolutions for society
in general.

To no surprise, the top three were lose weight, make
more money and work out more. While the intentions
behind the resolutions are good, the likelihood that
the Resolutions will be achieved is not so great.

According to general statistics, approximately 45%
of adult Americans make New Year resolutions every
year. Unfortunately, about 97% of the resolutions
are never completely fulfilled...

Why? Most resolutions are unrealistic and there is
no action behind the resolution. Someone can say
that they want to make more money, but if they
continue to go on shopping sprees, then it
is not going to happen. Similarly, a person can say
that they are going to lose weight, but if they don’t
exercise and continue to eat junk, then no change
will occur...

The base word of Resolution is resolute, which
means firmly resolved. So basically when you set
New Year’s resolutions, you are saying that losing
weight, making more money, etc. will be firmly resolved
within the next twelve months. You aren’t saying how
it will be fully resolved or what commitment you will
make to fully resolve the issue. It’s like a building
with no Foundation.

It will eventually crumble, because there’s nothing
holding it up. There’s no commitment or action
behind the resolution. Furthermore, most of the
things that you are saying will be fully resolved
took you longer than twelve months to create so why
limit yourself to fully resolving those things in a
twelve month window.

Instead of making resolutions that you will likely
not achieve, set goals with a detailed list of action
steps that will assist you in Successfully Achieving
those goals.

Here are some examples for you...

Goal: Lose weight and exercise more
Action Steps:  Join gym, exercise 3x per
week, eat more fruits/veggies, throw out all
junk food in the house, drink a gallon of water
each day

Goal: Spend more time with family
Action Steps: Make a date with your family
every week and do something special.
(special does not mean costly)

Goal: Increase Personal Development time
Action Steps: Schedule at least fifteen minutes
per day for reading an inspirational book,
listening to motivational CD/DVDs, etc.
Increase the amount of time after committing
to the fifteen minutes per day and making it one
of your daily habits...

Now, doesn’t that make more sense than simply
making a New Year’s resolution and never
achieving it? Someone once said, “A New Year's
resolution is something that goes in one year
and out the other"

Your goals and dreams are worth more than that,
right? Stop treating them like a trend that in
one day and out the next. Make a commitment to
yourself and take the daily action needed to
achieve your goals and dreams.

Now, that’s a real reason to put on the party
hats, blow the whistles and scream Happy New Year!

Motivating Champions WorldWide for 10+ Years!

John Di Lemme
International Motivational Speaker