You may be wondering why you need faith in your network marketing business. Well, faith is the starting point to all success or failure. Everything we do involves faith. Think about it…when a baby takes his first step it is by faith. When you sit down in a chair it's by faith that it will hold you. Whether we realize it or not faith is the driving force behind each action that we take.
So many network marketers enter into the business in "blind faith", putting their trust in what someone else has said instead of searching out the truth based on evidence. Blind faith is faith without evidence. God does not call us to have blind faith. He calls us to have faith in evidence…truth claims should be evaluated on the evidence.
Would you jump off a cliff because someone told you that you could fly? Of course you wouldn't because there is no evidence that you can fly. In network marketing there is evidence that people are successful, but there is also evidence of many failures. So where do you put your faith …in success or failure?
For success, put your trust and faith in a team of network marketers who are successful in the business. Learn from them. Discover the truth for yourself by getting educated in the industry. Learn to evaluate a company based on the "five pillars" that are necessary for you to be successful in the network marketing industry.
If you manage to keep enough faith in your ability to succeed then there is no reason for you not to achieve your dreams. Ask God to increase your faith and believe it will be done!
Be the Leader You Were Created to Be!
Lidie Gray
A Mentor With a Servant's Heart
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