What is your success worth to you? Is it worth reading your company's policies and procedures (P&P)? I've written about this before, but I think this is of the utmost importance so I'm bringing it up again. This can't be emphasized enough…READ, READ, READ your P&P. Many unsuspecting distributors have lost everything because they didn't read their policies and procedures. This should be the very first thing that you do when you join a company. If you haven't read your P&P, then do it now!
When you sign the company affiliate agreement you are signing a legal and binding document, so make sure you understand what you are agreeing to. In May 2009 a letter was sent out to unsuspecting distributors that the company was no longer offering the network marketing compensation model. You can read about it at Newsflash: Could This Happen to You?
Line item #5 of the company's Affiliate agreement reads:
The company "reserves the right to terminate this agreement, and all associated agreements (including, without limitation, the marketing incentive programs), upon 30 days written notice, with or without cause."
This statement would not be in the agreement if they didn't intend to use it. And they did use it. This is why it is so important that we as network marketing professionals read our company's policies and procedures.
Equip yourself with the truth and download Success in 10 Steps. Learn what to look for in the policy and procedures that may keep you from receiving your check and losing your business. The ebook is absolutely free! Most people who read it save themselves years of failure and frustration in their network marketing business. But some never take the time to read it and continue to struggle.
Be the Leader You Were Created to Be!
Lidie Gray
A Leader With a Servant's Heart