Are you frustrated with the results that you are getting in your network marketing business? Do you wonder why some people succeed and others fail in MLM?
I've been involved in the network marketing industry for over 15 years and became very frustrated because I did not get the results that so many others seemed to get. I did what I was told to do. I made my list of family and friends, advertised, bought leads, approached strangers, etc. I exhausted my list and resources very quickly and it was all to no avail. Yes, people did join me in my company, but not nearly enough to make the income that I desired. I just could not get people to see the bigger picture of how this industry could help them “own their life”.
So you may be thinking why am I still in the business? Because I believe in the principle of network marketing. We all do it on a daily basis. Have you ever gone to a great restaurant and told a friend about it? Have you ever watched a movie and told your friends that they have to watch it? Of course you have! We all have. Think about it…you are being a “network marketer” when you do this. You just don’t get paid for it whereas a professional network marketer does.
My downfall was that I believed that MLM was a sales business. That is until I met a very special lady, Irma White, who introduced me to Michael Dlouhy and Mentoring for Free. Now I know the truth. It is a teaching and mentoring business. This is so much easier for me. I’m now doing what I love to do…teaching and mentoring people to live their life more abundantly: financially, emotionally/spiritually, and physically.
So, if you are a frustrated network marketer you have a new chance. I invite you to download Michael’s FREE e-book Success in 10 Steps and find out why your lack of success in your MLM company is not your fault. You can own your life. I believe in you!
Be the Leader You Were Created to Be!
Lidie Gray
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