First let me explain to you what professional network marketers are not. They are not the "heavy hitters" who make illegal income claims, the "scam artists" who are only interested in making a fast buck. They do not tell you that network marketing is a sales business or a numbers game. "Heavy hitters" teach people to recruit, recruit and recruit. Recruiters don't know the "WHY" of the people they sponsor. They get them in the business and you never hear from them again.
Professional network marketers doe not make illegal income claims to entice people to join them in their business. They take a genuine interest in the people they sponsor. They get to know what their dreams are; what motivates them; what is important to them. The truth is that network marketing is a teaching and mentoring business. It is about people, their goals and dreams. Professional network marketers know they need to become a mentor with a "servant's heart" to have long-term success.
Professional network marketers are educated on how to evaluate a network marketing company. The first thing that they do is read the company's contract. They look for key phrases such as "the company reserves the right to terminate this agreement, and all associated agreements (including, without limitation, the marketing incentive programs), upon 30 days written notice, with or without cause." If there is anything in the contract about termination without cause they go no further.
The second thing they look at is the compensation plan; can the average person make money? They look to see how many people, distributors, associates, (whatever the company calls them) do they need to generate the volume that will bring them their desired monthly income.
Professional network marketers remove themselves from the emotion of the deal, the product, services, or whatever the opportunity that is being offered. They look at it objectively…how are they going to build the business; who's their customer; are people buying it because of the business opportunity; do they receive something of value when they join the company?
There is much more to being a professional network marketer. To learn more download Success in 10 Steps free e-book and get plugged into the free training that goes along with it. Most people who read the e-book learn how they can build a profitable business, but some continue to be frustrated.
Be the Leader You Were Created to Be!
Lidie Gray
A Leader With a Servant's Heart
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