Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Network Marketers Addicted to a Smorgasbord of Opportunities

Are you one of the many network marketers who are addicted to a “smorgasbord” of MLM opportunities? Have you fallen into the trap of believing that you need multiple streams of income to only end up with multiple streams of outgo?

Michael Dlouhy, author of Success in 10 Steps, says…

“When you promote a smorgasbord of opportunities you undermine your network. When you try to appeal to everybody with your multiple streams of products and services, smart people will not take you seriously. And why should they? You have no identity in their mind.


No trust. No loyalty. No network.

Your people are easy targets for some narrowly focused networkers.

You waste your time searching for more opportunities to create your multiple streams.
But loss of focus = loss of power.”

How can you do justice to your MLM business if your attention is divided between two or more companies? When you divide your attention between two or more opportunities you set yourself up for failure. So isn’t it much better to choose the right opportunity and focus on just that one?

I encourage you to stop wasting your time on searching for more opportunities. Find just one "Five Pillars" MLM company that profits you and your family and put your full attention on building it…build it once… build it strong…so that it will stand the pressure of time and be there for your children.

To read more about what Michael Dlouhy says about multiple streams of income download his free e-book Success in 10 Steps.

To your success!

Be the Leader You Were Created to Be!

Lidie Gray
A Mentor With a Servants Heart

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